Let me explain. We have endured a crazy storm here in Virginia, and they have named it storm Jonas. How exactly did they expect me to hear that and not think of the Jonas brothers? I'm not sure. ALSO on Saturday I got a call saying...IM BEING TRANSFERRED. I leave tomorrow, to who knows where. So please, DO NOT SEND ANY MAIL TO MY WOODBRIDGE ADDRESS. Thanks. I will know my new address next week. :)
This week was a crazy one. We had a mid mission conference, where everyone in the middle of their missions (or outbounds) went to an overnight conference in Richmond. We had lots of trainings, we went street contacting on the VCU campus, and we all had a giant sleepover at the mission home. Elders in the basement, sisters upstairs, president in the middle. So funny.
It was a lot of fun, and I was able to see sister Schenck (from Nauvoo)!!!!
On Wednesday it started to snow during our dinner appointment. After leaving we were going down a windy hill, and our car started to slide.
Sister Ngosha started screaming, "STOP TURNING!!!! WHY ARE YOU TURNING???!?!?!" As we slide towards the sidewalk. I was hysterically laughing, trying to explain that I was, in fact, NOT turning and we had hit ice. I don't think she trusted me, because as soon as the car stopped she hopped out and stood outside. After a couple minutes I got her to come back in, and said we needed to make it home. I got to the bottom of the hill, but getting up was another story. There was no traction, and 3 or 4 cars were also stuck all around me. Again, I was still laughing. A young man drove past us and asked if we were stuck.
After responding with a big YES he parked and helped us out! Got my car in the right gears (I had no idea what to do) and directed us up the hill. Thank the Lord for genuinely kind strangers. I wanted to hug him (obviously couldn't). We got stared up the hill, but couldn't stop to thank him so I stuck my head out the window and cried THANK YOU as loud as I possibly could. I love people.
On Friday we met an AMAZING referral who literally said, "so what do I need to do to be baptized?" So great. Then later that day it really started to snow. We were ordered by our mission president to not use our cars, so we headed home to call potentials. My companion decided she desperately needed milk (we most likely wouldn't be out of the house for at least a day), so we went to Walmart. These Virginians take snow very seriously. Walmart was packed, and out of both eggs and milk. Sister Ngosha commented that this people "prepare more carefully for snow than the second coming." I had to laugh at that one haha.
Like expected, we couldn't leave our home on Saturday. Church was cancelled Sunday. It was a crazy weekend full of calling people, and packing.
Last night we had dinner with the Gensons (including an at home sacrament meeting), and they offered to help dig our car out from under all the snow. (We did not have a snow shovel. I was naive enough to assume we could just use our hands the next morning.) Thank goodness for people who know more than I do.
Sad news of the week, the snow cancelled Christiana and Richard's baptism.... :( and I'm getting transferred so I now will miss it!! BIG SAD FACE.
This week I had a realization!!! So, we all have our own personal weaknesses and strengths, right? God gave us these so we would be forced to rely on each other. We may think that weaknesses cause us to not get along, but really they are a force that drive us to need each other. And when all of God's children unite, we are perfect. We are perfect because every weakness is balanced out by another's strength.
Every talent is accounted for. When we are united, we are perfect (or complete). And in this life, that is the only way.
Also, I wrote this during he mid mission conference:
We're walking a tightrope. We have a cup full of love. When we walk without falling the cup remains full and untouched. When we wobble and fall the cup spills. At the end of this tightrope Christ fills up our cup. Those who walked "perfectly" have no room for his filling. Those who spilled receive perfect love from Christ.
When we fall, we know what pain feels like. When we know what pain feels like we empathize with others and we love them.
When we sin, we have the opportunity to repent. When we sin, we know what forgiveness feels like. Forgiveness IS love. (I could have also said the cup was full of forgiveness.)
Hope that made sense. Sorry my emails are kind of long!! I love you all, and I'm excited for this opportunity to serve in another area of Virginia!! 💕
Sister Pug
Lyrics come from twenty one pilots, because they are my current favorite:
A strangers back is all I see
He's only a few feet in front of me
And I'll look left and right sometimes
But I'll fall in line
No one looks up anymore
Cuz you might get a raindrop in your eye And Heaven forbid they see you cry As we all fall in line
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