Monday, September 21, 2015


Hello world :)
we are so weird and SO EXCITED FOR PDAY! (preparation day)
This week has been a good one! This is our last week with our second summer sisters...they leave on Saturday and I just cannot believe it. I am going to miss them so much! This morning we kidnapped all of them and made them a huge breakfast! It was so fun. :)
it's the little things that keep us going
we were so bored hahahaha
We also found out that we get out outbound calls at the end of NEXT WEEK! EEEEEEK! I have no idea where I'll be going. No idea at all. I'm hoping warm though *crosses fingers*

Notice the creepy photos of Sister Heninger's
 brother in the background.....

We will leave on our Out-bounds on October 5th, 6th, or 7th. So please don't send me mail unless it will get there by then! ♥
We went to the Temple this week, and got a special tour! We were able to go all the way up to the steeple, right at the base of Moroni. It was so cool! It's still hard for me to comprehend that I live right across the street from the Nauvoo temple. 
One of the highlights this week was laying in the middle of the parking lot with Sister Heninger, just looking at the stars. I wish I had time to do that every night. As we were laying there we saw a shooting star, and it was awesome. :)


She told me she was going to "make weird faces with me"
but she just decided to look perfect instead



Something Sister Heninger and I have been talking about a lot is other people's realities-how they perceive the world. I can have a reality, and you can have a reality, and they can be COMPLETELY opposite but they can both be true. They can both be valid. Often times we only understand the people who have the same realities that we do. In turn, we only love those who we take the time to understand (you can't understand someone without loving makes it easier to love someone when you understand them). It is natural and easy to stick with those who share our realities, and to deem other realities as false. Everyone has done this. I have done this. One of my main and annoying weaknesses is constantly thinking that others are judging me. I think that others are judging me, and it gets to the point that I am instead judging them. When I become angry at the lack of love people have for me, I then have a lack of love for them. Everyone has a reality, and everyone's reality matters. Doesn't matter if it's not yours, or if it's not logical-it matters. And that's something I am learning more and more about as I meet more and more people. 
Some scriptures I loved this week:
-Luke 6:32 it's easy to love those who love you, but that isn't all we're asked to do. 
-Luke 6: 41,42 this one speaks for itself. Don't judge others because they sin differently than you.
-Luke 6: 37 how you judge is how you will be judged. 
(basically read all of Luke 6)
-Genesis 2:25 Sister Heninger came across this scripture and told me i would love it...she was right.
Whenever I am thinking negatively about another person, or I do not understand their behavior or things of that nature, I tell myself "their reality matters." And it's helped SO MUCH. Sister morales (a sister here) once said: "love others for what they do right, because the atonement takes care of the rest." This is so true. If you can't find love for someone, pray for them. You can't not love someone you are praying for. Pray for them, and pray that you will find love for them. 
The more we love, the more life makes sense. I don't know how to explain it, but I know it's true. (at least in my reality....)
Well, I love you all. I love my mission. I love the gospel. I'm learning more than I ever thought I would, and I've never been so aware of my weaknesses in my entire life. And it's AWESOME. it's the only way to begin to fix them. I love the atonement. In sign language, the sign for "change" becomes the sign for "repent" when you use and R hand. I love that. We can all change through the atonement, and our perception of others can change as well. 
Don't take this life for granted. Go out and do the things you're scared to do. Eat chocolate. And pet lots of cats. 
Song of the Week
My Dear- Matty Mullins
You Found Me-The Fray

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